Jumia Computing Blast

Monday, August 17, 2015


The immediate past prodigal administration would remain a reference point in the annals of our nation’s history as the most corrupt and insensitive government in our nations’ democracy.
Corruption reigned supreme and became so pervasive among the political elites. Men of questionable characters were among the best our government could assemble. Concerns were raised over the unmitigated looting of our nation’s treasury but little or nothing was made to stop the terrible malfeasance. Those that theirs became so obvious were at best, ignored or at worst, asked to take a bow.
To the immediate past president, stealing is not corruption, he identified with the corrupt and presided over a government that embezzle public funds with reckless abandon.
Their bulimic accumulation of wealth exceeded choice of properties all over the continent we are used to, to owning private jets, if you were not among the league of jet owners or unable to lease one for yourself, you are yet to be reckoned with those that had unlimited access to the nation’s treasury.
Even the former president had to admit that we are not poor, his measurement of success was the increase of private jets that surround our aviation space across the country.
After much criticism of his government, the immediate past president, in an attempt to demystify corruption made the worst political gaffe. “What is being referred to as corruption is common stealing”.
And when the opportunity came for Nigerians to decide who would rule them, Majority Nigerians defiled all odds to ensure that, Muhammadu Buhari, a renowned and reputed anti-corruption crusader was elected as president.
With the emergence of Muhammadu Buhari as the president, stealing is now corruption and all those that partook in one financial misappropriation or the other in the past have all been thrown into yesterday’s dust bin pending when the long arm of the law would descend on them.
Before president Buhari’s inauguration, tensions were high, the fear of probe gave many jittery feelings, but Mr. President, in his wisdom, told the world, he would not probe his predecessor’s government. Only the gullible would believe such an agreement. How would one, whom majority Nigerians voted for to come cleanse the Augean stables not probe those that contributed to the filth and corruption on it?
Some partisan whistle blowers—in their paroxysmic outburst, have been manufacturing excuses why the immediate past administration should not be the first to be probed.
The last time I checked—you don’t jump 3 to count 4. Common sense should have solved the equation. The probe of the last government would open up some facts that will lead to the probe of other governments that preceded it. Let’s stop over flogging this issue, when they were looting the money, they never involved you and I, why take it upon ourselves who should be probed?
To our technocrats, politicians and other would be appointees that will soon make up president Buhari’s cabinet— in the garden of change. Beware! “Stealing is now corruption”!
Written by Joe Onwukeme (unjoeratedjoe@gmail.com)

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